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 Meet the Team 

External links and articles


Associated Press (August 2023)

KTLA (August 2023)


Hollywood Reporter

Movie Industry Today





Garbage People on IMDb

Our commitment to sustainability

Wait a minute —"Garbage" People is actually good for the health of our planet? (And not just in a "laughter is medicine" way?) That's right!


Patches, Peel and the entire BLKMRKTMedia team go above and beyond to employ eco-friendly practices to ensure sustainability both on-screen and behind the scenes.


We strive to minimize our environmental impact and operate in a carbon neutral fashion. For us, recycling, upcycling and reducing commutes to a physical office are just the tip of the iceberg. While we cannot 100% guarantee that any third-party contractors or services are completely free from environmental harm, rest assured that all of our studio-based productions implement efforts which employ sustainable materials and ethical sourcing practices.


"[Garbage People] emphasizes the importance of empathy, kindness, and self-care in the face of negativity.  You're exploring a very relatable human condition for this current landscape.  Fucking brilliant."  - Michael A.W.

Hwood Img

Read more about Brit Tobin, founder of Black Market Media

Company Info

Official BLKMRKTMedia photos, logos, and assets available for download

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